Get A Little Help Quitting Smoking With This Vape Company’s New App


Vape Blog

Smokers who want to give up the tar producing cigarettes that they’re addicted to have a wealth of resources available to them on the internet so it shouldn’t be all that surprising to find that there’s a new app that’s designed to help smokers keep track of how long it has been since they stubbed out their last cigarette. This new app, called the Vaper Empire Quit Smoking Tracker, might seem simple on the surface (because it is), but there’s a chance it could prove useful to some smokers who are trying to throw in the towel and give up the smoke.

Vaper Empire's Quit Smoking Tracker App

Vaper Empire’s Quit Smoking Tracker App

Vaper Empire, the company behind the app, is a vape company that sells its own brand of premium e-cigs and e-liquids in Australia and New Zealand. Given that vaping is looked at by many as a less harmful alternative to smoking, it’s not all that surprising to see that they’ve put together this new app aimed at quitting smokers. With the app, it’s easy to take notice of how long it has been since a smoker has smoked their last cig and that, for some, might be the little boost they need to keep going with their new smoke-free lifestyle. Then again, maybe not. But all the same, the app is out there and it’s free to download for those who care to use it.

How much does it cost? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. For a free app, it appears well designed. It has a clean and simple interface with a big button that can be pressed to start tracking and another button that can be pressed to reset the tracker. The reset button, we assume, is for those who have slipped up and relapsed. Smoked another cig? Hit the reset button and start over. If it sounds easy to use, it’s because it is. Two buttons, a timer, and that’s about it. Talk about a simple way to keep track of progress.

Based on the release notes, it looks like the first version of the app that was released included some sort of “push notification” feature that allowed its creator to send notifications to users. While it’s unclear what the intent of this feature was, what is clear is that it has been axed from the latest release. As a result, there aren’t any wanted or unwanted messages directed at users by the app’s maker, which some might find preferable. All the same, the app doesn’t actually have any notifications for that matter, which is why its users must open it up to check their progress.

Perhaps down the road Vaper Empire will opt to include a feature that periodically updates users on their progress. For instance, the app could congratulate users once they’ve made it a week without smoking and again once they’ve made it a month and so on.

Download The Quit Smoking Tracker App For Android

Right now, at the time of writing, there’s only an Android version of the Quit Smoking Tracker. For those who have Android devices, there’s no need for concern because the app is available in a working format. But those who want to run the app on an iOS device like an iPhone might have to wait until an iOS-compatible version is released.

Have an Android and want to download the app? Then head on over to the Google Play Store and download it. You’ll find it under the name Vaper Empire’s Quit Smoking Tracker App.

How Vaping Helps Smokers Quit

This is an interesting topic and it’s one that’s being debated currently. On one side you have those who are generally concerned with vaping and how it might be a “gateway” to smoking for some. Interestingly, this theory does not appear to be supported by any evidence. It might come as a surprise to hear but one study that actually set out to prove this theory was unable to come up with any evidence to support it, essentially disproving it instead.

On the other side of the equation are those who believe vaping to be a potentially helpful tool for smokers, as recent studies have found it to likely be less harmful than smoking. The big study that everyone is pointing to these days is what’s known as the e-cigarette evidence review, which was carried out by a part of the UK public healthcare system known as Public Health England. This government-backed study found e-cigs to likely be 95% less harmful than cigarettes, which is to say: it’s almost certainly better to vape than it is to smoke. With the scientific evidence to back, PHE has recommended that smokers switch to e-cigs.

For smokers who want to give up smoking with the help of vaping, a route to quitting both becomes apparent thanks to the varying nicotine strengths that e-cigs are available in. For those who use refillable vapes, which is just another name for an e-cig, it’s possible to buy and use e-liquids in different nicotine strengths. And as there are some vape companies, Vaper Empire included, that even sell nicotine-free e-liquids, it’s possible to take the nicotine dosage down in stages, bringing vapers to the point at which they’re vaping no nicotine at all. At which point, the nicotine addiction is gone, which leaves vapers with the decision of whether to quit entirely or to continue vaping nic-free e-liquids. As some former smokers have reportedly gone from smoking to vaping to nothing at all, the possibility of quitting not only smoking, but nicotine and even vaping has become a reality for some.

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