Is Vaping Bad For You?


Vape Blog

Millions of people worldwide are now vaping and the question of whether vaping is bad for your health is one that keeps coming up, however, the answer isn’t quite so simple and it’s not been definitively answered. There’s still a lot of research that needs to be done but that does not mean we don’t have some clues about vaping’s impact on human health. So here’s what we know about it so far:

Vaping Is Believed To Be Less Harmful Than Smoking

Research up until now suggests that vaping is less harmful than smoking tobacco. Some estimates have pegged vaping as significantly less harmful than smoking. The CDC says e-cigs are less harmful than regular cigarettes. E-cigarettes produce an aerosol that most vapers call “vapor” and this aerosol contains fewer toxic chemicals than cigarette smoke. However, the CDC notes that vapor from e-cigs “is not harmless.”

What If You Don’t Smoke?

So it’s not harmless but it is less harmful than smoking. If you’re a smoker then based on the CDC’s position, you should switch to vaping. If you’re not a smoker then you really have no business vaping because while it appears to be better for your health than smoking, the best choice is to do neither. Don’t smoke and don’t vape.

From the New Zealand Ministry of Health:

  • The best thing you can do for your health is be smoke-free and vape-free.
  • If you don’t smoke, don’t start vaping. Vaping is not harmless, so only do it to help you to quit smoking.
  • Vaping products are less harmful alternative to smoking for people who are looking to quit the habit and become smoke-free.

That’s where we’re at these days. The information that we have now has led government organizations to plainly say that if you don’t smoke then don’t start vaping. If you do smoke and you’re ready to quit then vaping might be able to help you quit smoking. It worked for us. Will it work for you?

Can Vaping Help You Quit Smoking?

One study published in a peer-reviewed journal found e-cigs with nicotine to be almost twice as effective as patches and gum. That’s a lot more potential quitting power for smokers. Is it worth trying? Maybe. That’s really something to discuss with your doctor. Any medical questions that you might have are best answered by a licensed medical professional like your primary care physician.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this website is intended as medical advice. All information found on this website is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any medical concerns, please contact a licensed physician.

Vaping Works For Some People, Not All

Not everyone who tries e-cigarettes in an attempt to quit smoking successfully quits smoking. At Vape Hawk, we know people that have used vaping to quit smoking (like us) and ones that have ended up continuing to smoke. Some even started a dual-use pattern in which they started vaping and continued to smoke, using both at the same time. Others simply tried vaping, didn’t like it, and continued to smoke instead. It might work for you. It might not. If you’re interested in trying vaping in order to quit smoking, you should probably talk to your doctor first.

What’s It Like Switching To Vaping?

The experience is different for everyone. We’re not all living the same lives here, that’s for sure. Can it be easy? Possibly. Can it be difficult? For us, it was exactly that. It was far from a walk in the park. It was difficult. There were times we weren’t sure if we would make it through to the other side. Eventually, we made the transition to vaping. Is it better? For us, definitely. It’s a lot better.

Here are some of the benefits we noticed after switching to vaping:

  • Breathing easier. Breathing better. Less strain when trying to breathe. A much easier time exercising.
  • No gross cigarette smell. No stinky hands. No Stinky breath. No stinky clothes. No stinky cars. In every possible way, we found that vaping smells better than smoking and it doesn’t linger as smoke does, it just goes away after a little while.
  • Costs less. Saving some money on vapes is a nice addition, call it a bonus. It wasn’t the main reason we quit but it’s a nice little gift that comes along with switching. Disposables end up costing somewhere around the same but refillable vapes are noticeably less expensive to operate over time and that money adds up, especially when you’re talking about years, as is the case for us.
  • Better sleep. There were nights when our poor lungs were too battered from cigarettes to get a good night’s rest. Those days have passed. We sleep better. That’s important. It translates into a better day when you wake up.

If we could go back in time, we would never start smoking. If we were unable to change that, we would switch to vaping sooner. That’s what we would change in regards to our smoking and vaping journey if we were capable of time travel. That should give you an idea of how we feel about the two.

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