At Vape Hawk, we’ve been testing e-juices like it’s our job, well, because it is our job. It’s a task we’ve taken upon ourselves since our inception, testing all of the e-juices and other vaping products on the market to figure out which ones are the best ones for our fellow vapers. With all of the different vape juices that we’ve tested, from Blu and Juul to Bantam and Naked, there’s one brand that’s always on our mind when we’re thinking of which vape juices we love most. That brand is Vaper Empire and after scouring the web for reviews from other vape reviewers, we’ve come to the conclusion that we’re certainly not the only vapers who love their e-juice.
“Incredibly Crafted” Vape Juice Flavors

This is a bottle of Vaper Empire vape juice.
ChurnMag is one of the biggest names in vaping right now. Their website is huge and it’s home to countless vape juice reviews, vaping guides, and vape hardware reviews. Taking a look at their Vaper Empire e-liquids review, it’s clear to us that they’re on the same page as us when it comes to Vaper Empire’s juice. According to their review, Vaper Empire’s vape juice is “incredibly crafted” and it has “outstanding high notes” and “great flavor profiles.” We couldn’t agree more, their vape juice is definitely incredible. They rated it a 96 out of 100, which is one of the highest scores they’ve given any vape juice range that they’ve reviewed.
ChurnMag’s Favorite Vaper Empire E-Liquids
Vaper Empire has two e-juice ranges, “classic” and “artisan.” From their classic range, ChurnMag’s favorites are spearmint, cherry, and butterscotch. While our favorites differ from theirs, they’re right on the money when they say that “you can always be sure that you’re getting what you pay for” when you buy Vaper Empire e-liquid.
From their artisan range, ChurnMag’s favorites Berry Chill, Rhubarb and Custard, and Virginia Tobacco. While we’re not the biggest fans of tobacco vape juices, we couldn’t agree more when they say that “Berry Chill belongs at the top of the list.” It’s unlike anything else we’ve tried. Blackberries, blackcurrant, and the icy chill of menthol come together in an incredible way. If you like dark berries and you’re a fan of menthol, this is an e-juice to buy. You’ll love it.
“Perfectly Done” E-Juice
Kim, a popular e-liquid reviewer in the UK who runs the Best eCig website where she reviews vape juices and vape kits, reviewed a couple of Vaper Empire e-liquid flavors that the company sent her and was surprised by how well they managed to pull off the difficult to perfect Rhubarb & Custard flavor that a number of e-liquid manufacturers have failed to pull off. She called it “perfectly done” while noting that it’s “very true-to-taste” and not at all synthetic tasting. She called it “lovely-jubbly,” which we assume is her way of saying that she loves it.
In all, Kim said that she’s “really impressed” with both of the Vaper Empire vape liquids that she tested, which included Rhubard & Custard and Virginia Tobacco. Would she buy it again? “Absolutely.” Would she recommend it to you? “Yes!”
There’s no question about it, Kim’s just as much of a fan of Vaper Empire’s e-liquids as we are.
Best E-Juice For Australians & New Zealanders
Obviously there are many other reviews of their e-juice floating around online, but we just wanted to highlight some of the reviews we’ve seen from some of the more popular and well-trusted reviewers out there to make the point that we’re not the only ones that love their vape juice. It’s like liquid gold and we just can’t seem to get enough of it. In fact, we can’t get enough of it because it’s only available to vapers in Australia and New Zealand right now. We were lucky enough to get some to test out and now we want more. For now, though, it looks like we’ll just have to wait around until Vaper Empire decides to sell their juice in other countries. If you’re one of the lucky ones in Australia or New Zealand, then do yourself a favor and buy their juice right now because it’s the best you’ll find down under.