How To Refill JUUL Pods


Vape Guides

Now while it has become evident to us that you can in fact refill the Juul brand pods even though they’re not designed to be refilled, there’s a chance you won’t want to do it and here’s why.

When you open up the pods to refill them, they just don’t seem to reassemble properly, leaving you with pods that are prone to leak. Normally, we don’t see much of an issue with e-juice leaking when vaping Juul’s pods, but after refilling them ourselves, we’ve found that they leak frequently — spitting juice right out the mouthpiece. Gross, right? It is, we assure you.

While you can relax your mouth considerably more than you normally would and take the lightest of puffs in an attempt to avoid getting a mouthful of e-juice, doing so turns the whole experience into somewhat of a joke. At the least, it’s certainly not how Juul Labs envisioned their products being used and it certainly doesn’t attest to the convenient nature of their products. Our suggestion is to avoid this practice entirely and if you do want a refillable pod system, try buying one of the many alternatives that are designed to be refilled instead of trying to hack your Juul into a refillable device.

How To Refill A Juul Pod

So you’ve read what we have to say about refilling Juul pods and you still want to try it? Okay, that’s fine. We’ll tell you how, but again, we don’t suggest it and there’s a chance it could void a warranty somewhere because we’re pretty sure it’s not recommended by the manufacturer — in fact, we’re positive. But if you want to do it, we won’t stop you. Here’s how.

Step one is to remove the black mouthpiece. There are little notches on the sides that hold it in place. If you can pry it off one of them, it should come right off. You can rock it around a bit while tugging on it — this seemed to work well for us. Try not to do too much damage to it though because you do have to put it back on when you’re done.

Next, step two if you will, is to remove the seal. Once you get the black tip off, the seal will be exposed. You can use a poker of sorts to pry it off. Just stick it in there and pop it off. It comes off pretty easy so if you’re having trouble, well, you shouldn’t be. It’s easy. Pop it off and you’re ready to refill the pod.

You’ll notice when refilling it that it actually doesn’t hold much juice, which is why you may want to use a dropper to inject a bit of juice in there before you recap it. Once the juice is in, being careful not to overfill it, you’ll want to put the seal back in place and then the black mouthpiece back on once the seal is attached. Once you’ve reassembled it, it’s good to go.

This will likely save you money, especially if you’re refilling with cheaply bought e-juice. However, it’s not nearly as pleasant of an experience and we do not suggest doing it. But if you must, you now know how we went about it.

Props to the random guy we ran into a festival that showed us how it’s done.

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