Here’s How To Store Your E-Liquid Like A Pro


Vape Guides

Have you ever wondered what the best way to store e-liquid is? As it turns out, there is a right way and there is a wrong way. For vapers who don’t stockpile their e-liquid, it might not matter all that much, but for those with multiple bottles of vape juice that they want to store, it’s a whole different story.

Here’s the reason why you want to store your vape juice, and then we’ll discuss the right way to go about storing it:

Why You Want To Properly Store Your E-Juice

Vape juice contains organic ingredients, which include substances like nicotine as well as Vegetable Glycerin (VG) – both of which being ingredients commonly found in today’s e-liquids. Like all organic matter, there is a degradation process, however, this process can be slowed down to make your e-liquids last longer. Here’s how you do it.

How To Preserve E-Liquid Through Proper Storage

Making your e-juice last should be a priority if you’re planning on stocking up on a large quantity of juice to last a while. One reason why vapers do this is that they don’t like having to constantly buy refills. Another reason is because of everchanging laws that make it difficult to predict whether or not nicotine e-juice will continue to be available. And yet another reason is the elusive bulk discount, which some vape stores extend to retail customers when they buy multiple bottles of vape liquid at one time. Whatever the reason why you’re interested in storing your e-liquid the right way is, the process of storing it properly is actually quite easy to follow.

Here are the best options:

  1. Store your e-liquid in a freezer.
  2. Store your e-liquid in a refrigerator.

Why Freezers And Fridges Are The Best Places To Store Vape Juice

Freezers are ideal, but a refrigerators are likely your next best options. The reason why these are ideal locations to store your e-juice is simple: they protect your vape juice from heat and light. In other words, they’re a cool, dark spot to keep your e-juice stored.

The other variable is air, which hastens the degradation of e-liquid. Fortunately, many e-liquids are contained within tightly sealed bottles, which helps protect against the last factor, air.

The Best E-Liquid Bottle For Storage

Which bottle your e-liquid is stored in does matter. This is why you should ideally use a glass bottle, ideally a dark one that does not allow light to easily seep inside.

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