Category: Vape Guides

Vape Guides

Do SmokeBuddy Filters Work With Vapes?


Remember those awful “homemade sploofs” that everyone was making back in the day? You know the ones. You took the cardboard tube out of the paper …

Vape Guides

Here’s How You Get That Perfect Throat Hit


The perfect throat hit, is it real or is it just an ideal? If you have the right vaping products and you know what you’re doing, …

Vape Guides

Problems With Hyde Disposable Vapes


After using Hyde brand disposable vapes for a while, we have encountered some issues with some of them. While the problems are relatively infrequent, we just …

Vape Guides

There Are Differences Between Vaping Nicotine And Smoking Nicotine


Vaping nicotine and smoking tobacco to get nicotine are two fairly different things but some people seem to think it’s all the same. The obvious difference …

Vape Guides

Here’s How To Store Your E-Liquid Like A Pro


Have you ever wondered what the best way to store e-liquid is? As it turns out, there is a right way and there is a wrong …

Vape Guides

Never Forget Your DIY E-Liquid Recipes With This New App


Most vapers don’t mix their own e-liquids because it’s too much of a hassle and there’s little reason to when there are so many different brands …

Vape Guides

The Best Nicotine Strength For E-Juice


What is the best nicotine strength for vaping liquids? This is a question that we’ve heard time and time again, which is why we’re here today …

Vape Guides

Vaping In Australia Isn’t As Difficult As You Might Think


Vapers that live in Australia might be under the impression that it’s hard to vape in Australia, but the truth is, for many Aussie vapers, that …

Vape Guides

Benefits To Closed System Vapes


There are two different systems in use today when it comes to vapes: there are open systems and there are closed systems. Open systems have the …

Vape Guides

Best Portable Vaporizer For Dry Herbs Under $150


The absolute best portable vaporizer for vaping dry herbs under $150 would have to be the new MIQRO vaporizer by DaVinci. Priced at just under $150, …