Why Disposable Vapes Are Awesome


Vape Blog

Having used disposable vapes and reusable ones, it has become clear that both have their benefits. However, it’s the disposable variants out there that really make vaping convenient. Having to refill pods and tanks, which can create a sticky mess, is not for everyone. Some vapers just want an easy way to get their nicotine through vaping and that’s where disposable vapes really shine.

Alternatives To Disposables

There are good alternatives to disposables, though. For instance, there are pod vapes with replacement pods where the pods are designed to be used once and then replaced. There are no messy refills, but even with replaceable pods, the replacement process can prove to be more of a hassle than some vapers care for. Why? Because that also means recharging the vape battery as pod vape batteries with replaceable pods need to have their batteries recharged in order to continue functioning.

What Are Disposable Vapes?

Disposable vapes aren’t designed to be recharged. They’re not designed to be refilled with e-liquid. They are one-time use in the sense that you vape the e-liquid inside of them and then you toss them. Actually, you should really recycle them but that seems to be uncommon among many vapers and perhaps a serious environmental concern moving forward as vape use continues to expand. Alas, that’s a topic for another day.

Your typical disposable has just enough e-liquid in it to provide vapor until the battery runs out of power. Likewise, it has just enough battery power to vape through the e-liquid that’s inside of it.

Generally, they’re small devices and they’re as easy to use as possible. Most lack any sort of button because there’s simply no need for one. The vape detects that you’re using it and produces vapor to accommodate you.

Disposable Vape Benefits

Here’s why those of us at Vape Hawk think disposable e-cigarettes are awesome vaping devices that should not be overlooked by those who cherish convenience and simplicity:

  • Easy to use (perhaps the easiest)
  • No recharging
  • No refilling
  • Hassle-free vaping
  • Plenty of flavors

The Downsides To Disposables

So there are reasons to appreciate them, but there are also reasons why they’re not so great, such as:

  • Limited flavors compared to refillable systems
  • Can be more expensive

Explaining these points a bit, the flavors are limited in the sense that you’re left to choose between what the manufacturer offers. You can’t use vape juice from other manufacturers because disposables aren’t refillable, but that’s okay if you choose a brand of disposable with a lot of flavor options, which is definitely something that you can do.

As for the cost, it’s typically more expensive to vape disposables than it is to vape refillables because e-liquid, which is what you’ll run through a lot of, is actually cheap, whereas constantly replacing your vape battery is not. So if you’re vaping to save money, well, you probably want to stick to a refillable.

Best Disposable Vape

There are a lot of disposables on today’s market, but there’s only one that’s really proven itself to us. That’s the Hyde brand disposable e-cigarette and it’s one of the ones that comes in lots and lots of different flavors. There are different versions of it, but it’s the “Original” that we like. There are at least 20 different flavors available, which means you’ve got a lot of options and most of the ones that we’ve tried are at the least pretty darn good.

Another one that we like is the Puff Bar. It’s just as easy to use and we think it hits a little bit harder, which is definitely a point of preference. For us, we like how smooth the Hyde Original is so while the Puff Bar is definitely a nice disposable vape, it hits just a tad too hard for us. If that’s something that you’re into though, then it might be the better option for you.

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